Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

For every brush stroke,

it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

Eldar Avatar of Khaine and Fire Prism

Managed to squeeze some time for this Eldar Avatar of Khaine and Fire Prism commission project amidst my work loaded weeks. Finally got it in time for delivery to the client. Just as I was painting these Eldar miniatures, I am sure everyone has already hear snippets of Eldar rumours already. I am curious what the updated Eldar miniatures range would be. I am sure definitely there will be a giant walker of some sort, just like what Games Workshop is setting the trend, every race in 40k all having some sort of giant walker.

avatar of khaine

Anyway, the Avatar was an interesting miniature to get started on. I was excited to paint the lava and glow effect on his body. I got the Eldar Avatar body started by painting it in Citadel Blood Red, followed by a heavy wash of Citadel Nuln Oil. Then the edge were slowly blended with Blood Red and Sunburst Yellow. The lava glow in the Eldar Avatar’s body cracks were painted and layered with mixture of Blood Red and Sunburst Yellow to make orange, followed by highlights of yellow.

For basing, I added a rock slab and a skull pile, and followed by some sand basing. The area under the Eldar Avatar’s foot I got it painted with the orange mix again and yellow, followed by dry brush of Chaos Black for the burned effect. I enhanced a little more with some Black Soot weathering powder from Secret Weapon.

eldar fire prism

For the Fire Prism, the challenge was painting the Blue colour. I started with a base colour of Citadel Ultramarine Blue. Next it was followed by a wash of a watered down mixture of Citadel Midnight Blue and Nuln Oil. Once dried, the edges and high area were blended with a watered mixture of Citadel Ultramarine Blue and Skull White with the wash mixture of Citadel Midnight Blue and Nuln Oil. Finally the edges were then lightly edge highlighted with watered down Skull White. The groove were then washed carefully in heavy fill of Nuln Oil.

The other fun challenge I had was the Prism Crystal and Cockpit windows. I wanted to tint them yellow, so I did some research and experiment which I finally managed to get the tint effect for the transparent crystal and the cockpit windows. Check out my next post where I will talked about the tint effect.

The engine and the side flap area of the Fire Prism, I dry brushed with Citadel Chaos Black. Then I enhanced it further with some Secret Weapon weathering powder Black Soot. This sure made the engine feels like a blast…!

eldar packingOverall, the Avatar and the Fire Prism were a challenge to paint and I had a great time working on both of them. I am definitely looking forward to see the new Eldar range after working on these Eldar miniatures! OK, now to pack them up in my usual protected box with sponge cut out and its ready for delivery! Cheers!

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just your everyday guy who’s turned painting miniatures into a regular ritual! Whenever I find a spare moment, you’ll catch me with a brush in hand, transforming miniatures and models with a splash of color. Every stroke is a therapeutic escape, even if I only have a few minutes. There’s nothing quite like the thrill and satisfaction of seeing these miniatures creations come to life, ready for battle, ready for display!

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