Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

For every brush stroke,

it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

I show you how to paint Vampire Count Dire Wolf

Finally got my wolves all done. Did my research on wolves, found out that usually in the forest wolves, they have a brown sort of top coat and usually white bleach color on the underside. To make the wolf feels more errie, I gave them red eyes with black eyeball.

Here’s how I how got my Dire Wolf painted…

1. Base coat the wolf black. When dried, coat the wolf with Fortress Grey. When dried, wash the whole wolf with Badab Black heavily.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

2. Dry brush the legs and underside of the body with Bleached Bone.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

3. Dry brush highlight the high areas with Skull White.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

4. Dry brush the top side of the wolf with Graveyard Earth

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

5. Mix Graveyard Earth with Skull White 1:1, dry brush the top side high area of the wolf.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

6. Dry brush the high areas of the top side with Skull White.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

7. Wash the grooves and deep areas of the body with Devlan Mud

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

8. Finish off eyes with Red Gore, blend slightly with Red Gore & Skull white, and Chaos Black for the eye ball. Next, skull white for the teeth and mix of Red Gore and Skull white for the gums.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

9. Wash a thin layer of gloss over the eye, teeths, nose  and mouth area to give a wet look effect.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

10. Spread the base with white glue.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

11. Base the base with sand.

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

12. When sand is dried, coat the sand with Scorched Brown

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

13. Dry brush the sand, with first, Snakebite Leather, followed by Skull White. Coat the edge of the base with Foundation Khemri Brown, and its DONE!! Howl!!!!

Vampire Count Dire Wolf

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just your everyday guy who’s turned painting miniatures into a regular ritual! Whenever I find a spare moment, you’ll catch me with a brush in hand, transforming miniatures and models with a splash of color. Every stroke is a therapeutic escape, even if I only have a few minutes. There’s nothing quite like the thrill and satisfaction of seeing these miniatures creations come to life, ready for battle, ready for display!

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