Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

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Dark Eldar draft list

Dark Eldar hype took over while I am still painting my Black Coach. Been lingering with a Dark Eldar army list to see what are the miniatures that will be involved, or rather need to be purchased, haha.

I imagine my Dark Eldar to be swift with lot of Raiders flying into the battlefield, more of the Kabalite feel. Don’t really like the Haemonculus with all the altered parts everywhere. I will just do a draft list, the minor tweak of weapons and wargears probably later on when ready for a game set. Here goes for a 2k Dark Eldar…

Archon (with all the wargear and stuff)
– approx 170pts

10 Kabalite Warriors (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

10 Kabalite Warriors (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

10 Wyches (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

10 Wyches (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

5 Incubi
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 200pts

5 Mandrakes
– approx 85pts

6 Reavers (with all the upgrades and gears)
– approx 170pts

10 Hellion (with all the upgrades and gears)
– approx 190pts

Ravager a Flicker Field
– approx 120pts

Ravager a Flicker Field
– approx 120pts

Total about 1975pts, plus and minus with the tweaks. But I am counting the number of miniatures, but first most, there are already 5 Raiders and 2 Ravagers, lots of vehicles to paint. And the cost of those vehicles is already about £150, wow, lot of gold coins involved, haha. I imagine fielding all these on the table top, Oooo, cool Raiders everywhere, like pirates sailing into the battlefield…

Then there is also the 2nd wave of Dark Eldar coming in 1st quarter months time. Venom, Voidraven and Razorwing will alter my selection as well. I will adopt the paint finished then buy rule here for Dark Eldar. The other thing to worry is probably in the midst of it, Games Workshop might increase price… Cheers!

Feel the Pain!…

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just your everyday guy who’s turned painting miniatures into a regular ritual! Whenever I find a spare moment, you’ll catch me with a brush in hand, transforming miniatures and models with a splash of color. Every stroke is a therapeutic escape, even if I only have a few minutes. There’s nothing quite like the thrill and satisfaction of seeing these miniatures creations come to life, ready for battle, ready for display!

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