Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

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it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

Tuning Dark Eldar list with new release

Yes, after the hint on the last page of May’s White Dwarf, Dark Eldar advance order came faster than I thought. Though the advance order are the talos monstrous creatures, flying Eldar and Venom, I am more tune to the excitement of the Razorwing and Voidraven release. Rumour has it that it will be on advance order around 25 May or so. Definitely looking forward to it, but wont be getting it so soon, as my Dark Eldar painting plan is when there is need to paint than purchase. But then, the metal miniatures ranges are not available anywhere else except at GW sites. So far managed to get hold on some of the metal miniatures from my local store, still missing Archon and Incubi. Where are the metal miniatures….?

Still I will be excited to read next month White Dwarf about the new Dark Eldar releases. On the other hand, I do feel tempted to get the Battleforce set, which is a saving definitely, plus Wayland Games offering 20% off for pre-order Dark Eldar. Oh no… haha.

As I mentioned in my last post about my Dark Eldar list, I wanted my Dark Eldar to have only the Warriors range, no beast or haemonculus or those mutant monsters. Only with warriors and raider flooding the battle, and heavy support from Ravager, Razorwing and Voidraven. Below was my draft list I drafted previously…

Archon (with all the wargear and stuff)
– approx 170pts

10 Kabalite Warriors (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

10 Kabalite Warriors (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

10 Wyches (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

10 Wyches (with all the upgrades and gears)
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 230pts

5 Incubi
Raider w Flickerfield
– approx 200pts

5 Mandrakes
– approx 85pts

6 Reavers (with all the upgrades and gears)
– approx 170pts

10 Hellion (with all the upgrades and gears)
– approx 190pts

Replaced with the Razorwing or Voidraven

Ravager a Flicker Field
– approx 120pts

Ravager a Flicker Field
– approx 120pts

Took away the Hellion and replaced it with the Razorwing or Voidraven. How effective are the Hellion in battle anyway… anyone? Or maybe I could replace a Ravager with the Razorwing? Hmm… anyone has any suggestion? Would to hear any suggestions… Cheers!

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just your everyday guy who’s turned painting miniatures into a regular ritual! Whenever I find a spare moment, you’ll catch me with a brush in hand, transforming miniatures and models with a splash of color. Every stroke is a therapeutic escape, even if I only have a few minutes. There’s nothing quite like the thrill and satisfaction of seeing these miniatures creations come to life, ready for battle, ready for display!

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