Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

For every brush stroke,

it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

Kickstarter Projects

Recently in the miniatures gaming or boards gaming world, there is this trend of platform where company or anyone who has ideas and can have their projects funded from the public pledges. Thereafter, having it becoming a reality. It’s Kickstarter. If you have not heard of it yet, check out Kickstarter website and what it is all about.

The projects available at Kickstarter can range from anything at all. From Arts, Dance, Design.. etc, it can be funded and reality can come true. As I am into miniatures and gaming, Kickstarter has a good choice of various miniatures and gaming projects. The kick about Kickstarter is you get to see your favourite project being funded and becoming a reality. It is always fun to see the fund amount increasing in $$$ every time you visit the site. If you are into special editions and stuff, Kickstarter pledges always come with many special edition stuff and add-on which will really entice you to pledge more! I am definitely attracted to the various option and special edition stuff each project have to offer. The only problem is having not enough fund in my pockets, haha.

When I first noticed and got interested in Kickstarter, it was the Zombicide project. The Zombicide project was a project by Coolminiornot. It was a funded successfully with a hit of $780k. It exceeded way above their goal of only $20K. I recalled I was pretty excited with all the limited edition and extra they were splashing away. But I backed out last min due to fund in my pocket constraint, as I wanted to have like almost of everything of the limited editions and extras… haha. I had a game few weeks back with one of my gaming buddy and I must say, I totally regret not getting my hands on one copy…haha. I told myself the next Kickstarter which I am gonna like, I am not gonna miss it…

Since its popularity and my missing Zombicide, I have pledged 2 projects already, Sedition War and Relic Knights.

For Sedition War, I have always been a fan of Capt Kara from Mcvey miniatures. So when it came on in Kickstarter, I knew I am gonna pledge for it. The next question was the limited edition stuff and extra. Had a hard time trying to decide which to add-on. Sedition Wars was also a huge success, with a goal needed for only $20k, it was way above with a hit of $950k… wow!

For Relic Knights, I have always been a fan of Soda Pop miniatures. The cross between manga style and miniatures have always intrigued me. Always wanted to get one of these miniatures to paint, and Kickstarter Relic knight gave me a very good reason! My first rush was I wanted every fractions in the Relic Knights as they all so awesome, but as more bonus were rocked in, I had constrain on my budget. In the end, I decided to settle for 2 fractions along with their related specials. In the end, Relic Knight was another successful Kickstart, with a goal of only $20k needed, it went way beyond hitting $900k… wow!!

So nowadays kickstarter is another sort of hobby collection, always looking for out for interesting and exciting stuff. Currently I am following 2 kickstarters. One of them is Bombshell Babes. I have always been thrilled and fancinated with female herorines. So how can I resist not collecting and painting some! Judge Dredd is the next one I am following. With the new Judge Dredd movie releasing soon, I guess am definitely inspired to paint some Judge Dredd!

So much for now, I am gonna check out kickstarter now! cheers!

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just your everyday guy who’s turned painting miniatures into a regular ritual! Whenever I find a spare moment, you’ll catch me with a brush in hand, transforming miniatures and models with a splash of color. Every stroke is a therapeutic escape, even if I only have a few minutes. There’s nothing quite like the thrill and satisfaction of seeing these miniatures creations come to life, ready for battle, ready for display!

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