Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

For every brush stroke,

it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

Raging Heroes’ Königsmark sisters

Raging Heroes miniatures released their new Königsmark sisters this week. It’s the Fantasy version of the Ivanka sisters. I recalled when I read the news that they are doing a fantasy version of the Ivanka sisters, I was eagerly looking forward to it. The release came faster than I anticipated, and I must say the Königsmark sisters looks as amazing as the Ivanka sisters…

raging heroes Konigsmarks

As usual on pre-order, Königsmark sisters comes in a limited edition and special pricing. Includes three exclusive bonuses, Walter their Renaissance dog, a crossbow for Gretchen and a war hammer for Brunhilde. Can’t wait to get my hands on them. The sisters definitely are very suitable for Warhammer Empire. Imagine, a female Captain, female Engineer and female Witchhunter, screaming commands down the frontline battle of Warhammer… wow! Cheers!

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just your everyday guy who’s turned painting miniatures into a regular ritual! Whenever I find a spare moment, you’ll catch me with a brush in hand, transforming miniatures and models with a splash of colour. Every stroke is a therapeutic escape, even if I only have a few minutes. There’s nothing quite like the thrill and satisfaction of seeing these miniatures creations come to life, ready for battle, ready for display!

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