Where the world of colours bring Miniatures to life!

For every brush stroke,

it’s a stroke of passion and soul...​

Post Game Workshop Everchosen Competition

Everchosen came and went pretty fast over the past weekend. Just some thoughts for the Everchosen competition though.

Lotann, Warden of the Soul LedgersMy original plan was to paint the Age of Sigmar Idoneth Deepkin Soul Render. As I was constructing and painting it, it became more of a diorama than a single miniature entry. I wanted to enter the Everchosen category, though I knew the diorama would fit the open category. I decided to stay focus and on target to still do an entry for the everchosen. I managed to pick up Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers from the store and get it done in time. I submitted my entry at the official Game Workshop store, did not managed to get into any ranks.

As for the Idoneth Deepkin Soul Render, I will take my time to complete it and experiment with it following the original idea I had for it. Stay tuned…

What I did learn from this, is, the choice of miniature to choose for a competition matters a lot. I knew my choice was not a good one to create any impact impression, still I went ahead with the Idoneth Deepkin. Guess I was too obsessed with the AOS Idoneth Deepkin, haha. But I feel that as an international competition, there are few things that can be address. The first being the time frame given, I guess it too fast and short for any conceptualization and preparation. Even if you gonna participate in Golden Demon 2020, most likely you be would be preparing for it now, for next year, right? Then the judging, its more of a open voting system, which I feel its more of a popularity competition than a skill and craft competition. I know my standard is still far from the Masters out there from locally and globally, I will continue to grow and improve… For the Emperor! Or, For Sigmar!

Lets hope Game Workshop review this year entry system and have a better and fair improvement next year.

40k Orks BossWelcome to The Painting Shop
Just your everyday guy who’s turned painting miniatures into a regular ritual! Whenever I find a spare moment, you’ll catch me with a brush in hand, transforming miniatures and models with a splash of color. Every stroke is a therapeutic escape, even if I only have a few minutes. There’s nothing quite like the thrill and satisfaction of seeing these miniatures creations come to life, ready for battle, ready for display!

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